Working Mum: How to Find Child Care

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Should You Choose Family Day Care over Centre-Based Child Care?

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If you are a working parent, you must select the right care option for your young one. Your choice will determine the comfort of your child, their growth and your peace of mind. In general, there are two primary possibilities to consider if there is no family member available for the task. These options are family day care and centre-based care. Both are favourable because they are designed to provide early childhood care and education through trained professionals. Read More»

4 Active Ways to Entertain a Child with a Broken Arm

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Taking care of kids is challenging at the best of times, but it can feel impossible when one of the children in your care is injured. A broken arm means a bulky cast that gets in the way of many activities and leaves children sitting around bored and miserable. That doesn’t have to be the case, though. With a little extra thought and care, many physical activities can be made safe and fun for a child with a broken arm. Read More»

How to Decide Whether Day Care or Home Care Is Better for Your Kids

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Many parents across Australia face some soul-searching questions when they are considering how to raise their children. Often, both parents feel that they need to work in order to bring in the amount of income to raise the kids in the best possible environment. For some, staying at home to look after the children is not an easy solution. Others, who may be more financially secure, may have the ability to raise at home and are not sure whether they need to invest in childcare solutions. Read More»

4 Toys Every Preschool Institution Should Have

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The nature of preschool toys purchased for your child is a clear reflection of his or her age bracket. Most preschool age kids will be 3 to 6 years old. The toys that fit best for such age bracket should be those that are realistic and quite detailed to allow creativity at their level. Most children at this age will only appreciate toys that are able to challenge them to achieve a certain goal. Read More»

Teaching Your Child To Read

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Many school children struggle with basic literacy skills and some have a reading level that is well below what it should be. Although the staff at your kids’ child care centre will make sure that reading is including in the daily routine, there are some things that you can do at home to help your child get to grips with reading before they begin ‘proper’ school. Read aloud to your child Read More»

How to Prepare Your Child for Their First Day at Kindergarten

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Going to kindergarten is a big step for your child and could also be pretty nerve-wracking for you. If it’s the first time your child will be away from you, you might be wondering how you can make the transition as smooth as possible. By clearly explaining what’s going to happen at kindergarten, showing your child pictures of where they’ll be going, practicing activities together, and letting your child ask as many questions as they want, you’ll be off to a great start. Read More»

Could Auditory Processing Disorder Be the Cause of Your Child's Social Difficulties?

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When you know your child is a fun, kind, and enjoyable person to be around, it can be disheartening to see them struggle to socialise with their young peers. You might be wondering why and how they alienate others, but the problem may not be your child’s fault at all. One common reason children struggle socially is undiagnosed auditory processing disorder. Your child might have this problem if they suffer from any of the 3 following problems: Read More»