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Teaching Your Child To Read

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Many school children struggle with basic literacy skills and some have a reading level that is well below what it should be.

Although the staff at your kids' child care centre will make sure that reading is including in the daily routine, there are some things that you can do at home to help your child get to grips with reading before they begin 'proper' school.

Read aloud to your child

Take time each day to sit and read with your child. Use large-print books that only have a few words on each page. As you read each word, point to the print with your finger and encourage your child to do so to. 

Your child will soon learn their favourite books off by heart. Now ask the child to point to the words on the page as you read and to tell you what they are. When you are using this method and incorporating as many books as you can, your child's vocabulary will quickly increase.

Include reading in the bath time routine

Kids love play acting with toys in the bath. You can use this to help develop their reading skills by using waterproof books and reading aloud to each other. Pick a tale about pirates or sea creatures to really catch your child's imagination and interest.

Use TV shows to help your child's reading

Most kids enjoy favourite TV shows. Choose books that feature your child's favourite TV character to encourage them to read about their hero. Put posters of the characters up on your child's bedroom wall and write their names underneath the image. Your child will very quickly pick out the name on the poster and in the books you read together.

Incorporate reading around the home

There are lots of opportunities all around your home that can be used to encourage your child to read using word association. At meal times, ask your child to pick out the name of their favourite breakfast cereal from the packet and then read it aloud.

Although your child will enjoy learning to read at their child care centre, there are lots of things that you can do at home to help them to progress. Follow the tips above and make reading into a fun game that your child will be keen to play. You will soon find that your youngster is well ahead of the pack when they start school.
