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Could Auditory Processing Disorder Be the Cause of Your Child's Social Difficulties?

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When you know your child is a fun, kind, and enjoyable person to be around, it can be disheartening to see them struggle to socialise with their young peers. You might be wondering why and how they alienate others, but the problem may not be your child's fault at all. One common reason children struggle socially is undiagnosed auditory processing disorder. Your child might have this problem if they suffer from any of the 3 following problems:

1. Forgetting Names & Important Information

Many people find it rude when someone forgets their name, or a piece of important information about them, such as their phone number or birthday. Unfortunately, remembering recently heard information can be a problem for children with auditory processing disorder. If your child frequently forgets names, they'll find it hard to bond with other children, who may be offended. Forgetting phone numbers, game console handles, or other online usernames will make it hard for your child to connect with children outside of school, reducing their chances of forming deep friendships.

2. Not Understanding Humour

Does your child seem to struggle to understand other children's humour? Auditory processing disorder can make it hard for children to understand jokes, particularly those that are reliant on word play. They will often ask for a joke to be explained to them after hearing the punchline, and may take puns and quips more literally than others. APD can also make it more difficult for your child to pick up on sarcasm and other wit that stems from tone of voice. This can lead to other children labelling your child as being boring or having no sense of humour, excluding them from play.

3. Struggling to Hold Conversations

Conversations can be difficult for children with auditory processing disorder for multiple reasons. The two components of a great conversation are listening and speaking. Listening, unsurprisingly, can be a challenge for kids with APD. Does your child frequently ask people to repeat themselves, or seem as if they're not listening to other children? Speaking can be a problem too. Sometimes, children with APD will talk at a loud level that's uncomfortable for others to hear. They may also struggle to convey their thoughts coherently, and other kids may say they 'waffle' or speak too vaguely. These issues become even more apparently in busy environments, or over the phone where your child can't read expressions and lip movements. If your little one exhibits any of these problems, they could be suffering from auditory processing disorder.

What Can You Do?

If you suspect your child has auditory processing disorder, try to get a diagnosis as soon as possible. There are several ways to improve your child's ability to process and use language, such as using auditory training and adapting your child's environment. Speech therapy for children can also be a huge help. A language therapist will be able to help your child improve the way they process word sounds, which can help with speaking and listening. They'll also teach your child about appropriate language use, as well as techniques that help them receive information, such as actively asking someone to repeat or write down and instruction. For more information, contact companies like communiKIDS.
