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3 Tips for Transitioning a Child Into a Childcare Centre

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Staring at a childcare centre for the very first time is a huge step for parents and children. Notably, any new surrounding, coupled with the transition from home to a shared environment, presents a daunting experience to a child. For a seamless transition, it is integral for kids to feel comfortable in the new environment. Remember that not all children are equal. Some kids will embrace change quickly without looking back, while others might take time to settle into a daycare centre. Here is a guide for parents to help transition their kids into a childcare centre

Visit a Childcare Centre Before Admission

Before your child enrols in a childcare centre, you need to prepare them emotionally and practically for the journey ahead. One way of easing the transition is by making short visits to your childcare centre of choice. The visits help your child familiarise themselves with carers, educators, and the facility's general environment. If time allows, you can stay longer to meet parents and children already enrolled in the service. Your child will soon pick up the daily routine, which will come in handly after admission. Parents should also introduce their kids to educators and carers during their visits since it gives children a familiar face when parents are not around.

Provide Carers and Educators Valuable Information

As stated earlier, children are different. Thus, educators and carers should know as much information as possible about your child so that they can offer the best care and learning experience. Therefore, you should provide relevant information, including medical conditions, food allergies and intolerances, that your child might have. Also, let a childcare service know about your child's wellbeing, including emotional and social preferences, sleep patterns and any specific events that might trigger certain emotions. Carers and educators should also be informed about your child's immunisation status and family circumstances, such as custody arrangements. Similarly, offer information regarding any help that your child might require, such as toileting, eating and learning activities they enjoy. 

Establish a Routine

Since a childcare centre has a strict routine, you need to establish a routine early before your child joins a preschool. Set a schedule that your child will follow every day akin to a preschool routine. For example, dedicate time for meals, reading, sleeping and play-based learning. Your child will easily remember a routine that they are familiar with, helping them to remain calm in a childcare centre.
