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4 Things to Consider When Selecting a Daycare Center

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Many first-time parents may not know what factors they should consider when selecting a daycare center for their child. This article discusses some things that you should consider so that you select the best daycare center for your child.

The Staff-Child Ratio

It is better for you to select a daycare center where staff members handle a small number of children. This is because you will be sure that your child will be given adequate attention throughout the time that he or she will spend at the center. You can ask the management to give you information about the staff-child ratio so that you compare this information with the different daycare centers that you visit during your search.

The Policy on Sickness

Find out how the different daycare centers handle matters of child sickness. For instance, do they require a sick child to remain at home until he or she recovers fully? Such a strict approach may affect you because you may be compelled to take several days off work in case your child is sick. Conversely, a lax system may expose your child to infections and diseases in case sick children are allowed at the daycare center. You should therefore examine the policies on sickness carefully and select a center whose policies address your needs.

The Safety of the Center

Make sure that you select a daycare center where teachers are trained in paediatric first aid. Such a person will have the necessary skills to take effective action in case of a medical emergency or accident. You should also find out how often staff members practice emergency evacuation in order to be prepared when the need arises. Find out what health and safety measures are routinely implemented in order to prevent infection. The helpful measures may include a hand washing policy for staff members as well as the safe storage of the food that is prepared for the children. You may also need to find out whether parents can pack some food for their children.

The Visitation Policy

Avoid selecting a daycare center that requires you to make an appointment in case you want to check on your child during the time that he or she is at the center. You should be able to come in at any time in order to ascertain that the daycare center is looking after your child in accordance with the standards that were communicated to you when you enrolled your child there. Exceptions can be made for the time when children are taking a nap.

You will have no regrets if you select a daycare center based on the considerations above. You can contact childcare experts, like those at Atlantis Play Centre, for more help in case you are undecided about a final decision after narrowing down your options using the suggestions above.
